Neo4j Developer Center

Everything you need to model real-world entities and their connections – making data exploration, analysis, and insights a breeze across various applications.

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Build apps faster and easier with high query performance, drivers, built-in tools and integrations supported by the largest graph community.

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Build Generative AI Apps

Create GenAI Apps, powered by LLMs, leveraging the power of Neo4j's knowledge graphs

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Learn about GenAI with Graphs

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Combine Large Language Models with Knowledge Graphs

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Introducing Cypher

Cypher is a declarative open query language that allows for expressive and efficient queries in a property graph. Originally built by Neo4j, Cypher is easy-to-learn and the widely adopted standard graph query language of developers worldwide.

MATCH (j:Person {name: "Adam"})-[r:LIKES]-> (tech:Technology)<-[r2:LIKES]-(p:Person)
WHERE tech.type IN ['Graphs', 'Development']

Pattern Matching

Cypher works by matching patterns in your data using an ASCII-art style syntax.

ASCII-art Style Syntax

Draw nodes using parentheses. Simply define labels and properties as part of the pattern.

Traverse your Graph

Expand relationships by drawing using arrows, square brackets and an arrow to denote the direction.

Filter and Return

Filter data within the pattern or express more complex predicates in the WHERE clause and control the output using the RETURN clause.

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