Neo4j Needle StarterKit
Reactjs Responsive Starter Kit for building applications using Neo4j Needle for accelerating TTV of your Neo4j-powered front-end applications. You can access the online version here.

📈 Various templates and components focused on specific uses-cases and industries
🚀 Responsive: Adapts to different screen sizes for optimal user experience.
🌚 Dark/Light Mode Theme 🌞: Includes a theme wrapper to switch between light and dark modes without having to reinvent the wheel!
⚙️ Neo4j Integration: A simple example for connecting to a Neo4j database.
🔐 Neo4j Auto-connect: Automatically connects to the Neo4j database if the user has a session saved (using localStorage).
🛠️️ Modular approach: Facilitates easy customization.
To get started, see the Quickstart page.
For details on the available templates, see the Templates section.
For details on the available components, see the Components section.
Examples and documentation are available for every templates and components.
If you want to contribute to this project, see Contributing.