
Explicit authentication, configured using the @authentication directive, is only ever evaluated during Cypher translation time, and unauthenticated requests with queries requiring authentication will never reach the database.


Authentication can be configured for an entire type, for example, the type User:

type User @authentication {
    id: ID!
    name: String!
    password: String!

Authentication will thus be validated when any of the following operations are attempted:

  • Create: createUsers mutation, create, or connectOrCreate nested operation via a related type.

  • Read: users, usersConnection, usersAggregate query, or access via related type.

  • Update: updateUsers mutation or update nested operation via a related type.

  • Delete: deleteUsers mutation or delete nested operation via a related type.

  • Create relationship: connect or connectOrCreate nested operation via a related type.

  • Delete relationship: disconnect nested operation via a related type.

  • Subscribe: all subscription operations related to type User.

Additionally, the directive can be configured on a per-field basis, for example:

type User {
    id: ID!
    name: String!
    password: String! @authentication

This will only be evaluated in the following circumstances:

  • The password field is set on either create or update.

  • The password field is present in a selection set.


Authentication can be configured to only be validated on certain operations:


  • READ







For instance, to only require authentication for the update or deletion of a user:

type User @authentication(operations: [UPDATE, DELETE]) {
    id: ID!
    name: String!
    password: String!

Additional verification

Additional checks against JWT claims can be performed together with authentication. For instance, if it was a requirement that only users with the admin role can delete users:

type User @authentication(operations: [DELETE], jwt: { roles_INCLUDES: "admin" }) {
    id: ID!
    name: String!
    password: String!

Global authentication

Additionally, authentication can be applied to the entire schema. This ensures authentication is checked for every matching request.

This is done via extending the schema:

extend schema @authentication

The operations and jwt arguments can also be used when the directive is applied to a schema extension.