Database mapping

This page describes how to use directives for database mapping.


This directive maps a GraphQL field to a Neo4j property on a node or relationship. It can be used on any fields that are not @cypher or @relationship fields.

For example:

type User {
    id: ID! @id @alias(property: "dbId")
    username: String!
type User {
    id: ID! @id
    username: String! @alias(property: "dbUserName")
    livesIn: [City!]! @relationship(direction: OUT, type: "LIVES_IN", properties: "UserLivesInProperties")

type City {
    name: String

type UserLivesInProperties @relationshipProperties {
    since: DateTime @alias(property: "moveInDate")

Note that the property in aliases are automatically escaped (wrapped with backticks ``), so there is no need to add escape characters around them.


This directive redefines how to compose the plural of the type for the generated operations. This is particularly useful for types that are not correctly pluralized or are non-English words. Take this type definition as an example:

type Tech @plural(value: "Techs") {
  name: String

This way, instead of the wrongly generated teches, the type is properly written as techs:

  techs {

The same is applied to other operations such as createTechs. However, keep in mind that database labels are not changed with this directive.


This directive is used to specify the configuration of a GraphQL object type which represents a Neo4j node. It can be appended with the following optional parameters:


This parameter defines the list of label to be used in Neo4j instead of the GraphQL type name:

type Dog @node(labels: ["K9"]) {
    name: String!

This way, the following query:

  dogs {

Generates the Cypher query:

MATCH (this: K9)
RETURN this { .name } as name

If the GraphQL type name should still be used as a label, it needs to be specified as well:

type Dog @node(labels: ["Dog", "K9"]) {
    name: String!

This way, the following query:

  dogs {

Generates the Cypher query:

MATCH (this:Dog:K9)
RETURN this { .name } as this

Defining labels means you take control of the database labels of the node. Indexes and constraints in Neo4j only support a single label, for which the first element of the labels argument is used.

The following example results in a unique constraint to be asserted for the label K9 and the property name:

type Dog @node(labels: ["K9", "Dog"]) {
    name: String! @unique

Using $jwt and $context

In some cases, you may want to generate dynamic labels depending on the user requesting. For that, you can use the variable $jwt to define a custom label in the JWT:

type User @node(labels: ["$jwt.username"]) {
    name: String!

The following query yields a different Cypher query depending on the user JWT:

  users {

Assuming there is a user with the value "username": "arthur" in JWT, the Cypher query looks like:

MATCH (this:arthur)
RETURN this { .name } as this

Similarly, context values can be passed directly:

type User @node(label: ["$context.appId"]) {
    name: String!

When running the server with Apollo:

const server = new ApolloServer({
    schema: await neoSchema.getSchema(),

await startStandaloneServer(server, {
    context: async ({ req }) => ({ req, appId: "myApp" }),