Default values

This page describes how to use default values in the Neo4j GraphQL Library.


When generating the input type for the create mutation, the value specified in this directive is used as the default value for this field.


"""Int | Float | String | Boolean | ID | DateTime | Enum"""
scalar Scalar

"""Instructs @neo4j/graphql to set the specified value as the default value in the CreateInput type for the object type in which this directive is used."""
directive @default(
    """The default value to use. Must be a scalar type and must match the type of the field with which this directive decorates."""
    value: Scalar!,


@default may be used with enums. When setting the default value for an enum field, it must be one of the enumerated enum values:

enum Location {

type SomeType {
    firstLocation: Location! @default(value: HERE) # valid usage
    secondLocation: Location! @default(value: ELSEWHERE) # invalid usage, will throw an error


When translating from GraphQL to Cypher, any instances of fields to which this directive is applied will be wrapped in a coalesce() function in the WHERE clause (see

This directive helps querying against non-existent properties in a database. However, it is encouraged to populate these properties with meaningful values if this is becoming the norm. The `@coalesce`directive is a primitive implementation of the function which only takes a static default value as opposed to using another property in a node or a Cypher expression.


"""Int | Float | String | Boolean | ID | DateTime | Enum"""
scalar ScalarOrEnum

"""Instructs @neo4j/graphql to wrap the property in a coalesce() function during queries, using the single value specified."""
directive @coalesce(
    """The value to use in the coalesce() function. Must be a scalar type and must match the type of the field with which this directive decorates."""
    value: Scalar!,


@coalesce may be used with enums. When setting the default value for an enum field, it must be one of the enumerated enum values:

enum Status {
type Movie {
    status: Status @coalesce(value: ACTIVE)


Available on nodes, this directive injects values into a query such as the limit.


"""The `@limit` is to be used on nodes, where applied will inject values into a query such as the `limit`."""
directive @limit(
    default: Int
    max: Int


The directive has two arguments:

  • default - if no limit argument is passed to the query, the default limit is used. The query may still pass a higher or lower limit.

  • max - defines the maximum limit to be passed to the query. If a higher value is passed, it is used instead. If no default value is set, max is used for queries without limit.

  Movie @limit(amount: 5) {